electoral reforms

electoral reforms

Electoral Reforms

Present Situation :
Persons elected to the Local Bodies/State Assemblies/Parliament have a secure tenure of five or six years, as the case may be, and because of this, even if they do not perform properly or even if they do not take action to fulfill their promises to the electorate, nothing can be done till the next round of elections arrive on the scene. This ensures that people have to put up with an elected representative, who does not represent them in the real sense but represents either only himself or his political party. Sometimes, his own personal agenda overcomes his loyalty even to his political party….More

FRNV Recommendations/Plan : Without legal backing, Election Commission finds itself unable to implement Code of Conduct among political parties and candidates during elections. Election Commission should be empowered to levy penalties for violation of the Code of Conduct and even debar candidates from contesting in serious cases….More

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